The Intervention

As the final brief of this module we were asked to look at the environments we use in our everyday lives, specifically the signage telling us what to do as we see so much visual information on a daily bases. The aim of this will be the affect the behaviour of people within a chosen space both physically and/or mentally.

I worked in a group of three with Niamh Anderson and Wiktoria Morawska, and the project started with us taking photos of the existing signage in the building; which consists of cleaning signs, emergency exits and routes as well as general directional arrows.

The actual work began with us brainstorming ideas on spaces that we would like to work with, this quickly led to us wanting to experiment with the two main entrance lifts in DJCAD. These two lifts each have a large reflective mirror in them, and we wanted to play with perspective and reflection in a space that normally people zone out and don’t move in. The words we wanted to reflect needed to have some deeper meaning to them so we threw around various quotes and  phrases which had the idea of mirrors reflecting as a common theme.


The blue circles represent the three ideas we choose to run with, but unfortunately we only has access to two of the lifts so one of them was only ever left as an Idea.

Idea 1- ‘be a voice not an echo’

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Iteration one
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Idea 2- ‘mirrors should think before they reflect’


Idea 3 – perspective is everything’


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